공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Wednesday, 2월 14, 2024

수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (하르야나)중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (트리푸라)중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (펀잡)중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link세인트 바데레미재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (서 벵갈)중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link과들루프재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link마르띠니크재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link구이아나재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link쌩 마르땅재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link케이만재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (비하르)중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (펀잡)은행은 열려있다
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link하이티재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도네시아 (발리)휴일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link타이완춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (장시 시)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link마카오춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (랴오닝)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (창사)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (후베이)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (광동)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (티베트)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (톈진)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link영국재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (저장성)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link독일재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link미국 (플로리다)마이애미 국제 보트 쇼r
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도네시아총선거
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (장쑤 성)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (쓰촨 성)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (후난)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (심천)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (광시)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (상하이)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (푸젠)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (산둥성)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (베이징)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link중국 (난징)춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link크로아티아 (흐르바츠카)자그레브 스포츠 & 보트 쇼r
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도네시아휴일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도건조한 날 (술 없음)
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link요하네스버그 증권거래소재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link베트남뗏 (베트남 새 해)
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link케이맨 아일랜드 증권 거래소정통 재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link파나마재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link그레타이증권 시장춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link대만 증권거래소춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link네덜란드정통 재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (오리싸)바산트 판차미
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link인도 (히마찰 프라데시)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (아마 파)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link까뽀 베르데관리 사무소는 폐쇄
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link베트남 증권거래소뗏 (베트남 새 해)
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link티모르관리 사무소는 폐쇄
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link카포 베르데 증권 거래소정통 재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (마라냐웅)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (에스피 리토 산토)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (성을)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (마투그로수)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link그레타이증권 시장춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link심천 증권 거래소춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (리오 그란데) 북 해선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (알라 고 아스)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (로라 이마)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (론도니아)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (산타 카타 리나)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (세르 지페)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (토칸 틴스)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (연방 관구)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (남부 리오 그란데)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (아마존)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (페르남부쿠)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (아크레)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link브라질 (파라나)선택적 휴가
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link상하이 증권거래소춘절
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link오스트리아재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link파나마 증권거래소정통 재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link자마이카재의 수요일
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link카이로 증권 거래소중대한 봄 축제
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수요일 14 2월, 2024link스페인 (갈리시아)지역 공휴일
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link레바논발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link시에라 레온발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link보네르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link필리핀발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link르완다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link벨기에발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link앤티과 바르부다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link바하마스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link바베이도스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link아제르바이잔발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link호주발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link아르헨티나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link마카오발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link벨리즈발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link말타발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link베닌발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link파푸아 뉴 기니발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link버뮤다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link체코 공화국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link벨라루스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link산 마리노발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link볼리비아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 루시아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link보츠와나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link사우스 조지아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link불가리아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link레소토발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link부르키나 파소발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link리투아니아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link부룬디발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link말라위발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link카메룬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link모나코발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link캐나다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link우간다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link까뽀 베르데발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link네덜란드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link칠레발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link중앙아프리카 공화국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link중국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link영국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link콜럼비아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link엘 살바도르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link콩고 (브라자빌레)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세네갈발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link콩고 (민주공화국)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link슬로바키아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link대한민국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link안도라발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link코스타 리카발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link티모르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link쿠라아오발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link사크 (채널 아일랜드)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link덴마크발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link키르기즈스탄발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link에콰도르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link라트비아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link스페인발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link리히텐슈타인발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link에스토니아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link룩셈부르크발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link미국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link마다가스카르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link피지발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link말리발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link나미비아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link멕시코발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link나이지리아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link모잠비크발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link앙골라발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link니제르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link프랑스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link노르웨이발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link가봉발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link파나마발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link감비아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link파라과이발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link스위스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link페루발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link타이완발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link포르투갈발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link타일랜드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link도미니카 공화국발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link통가발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link루마니아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link투르크메니스탄발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link러시아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link우크라이나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link솔로몬 섬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link아이슬란드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link사모아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link케이만발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link상투메 프린시페발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link쿡 섬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세이셸발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link팔레스타인 자치정부발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link싱가포르발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link지브랄타발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 키츠 네비스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 유스타슈 (네덜라드 안틸레스)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 빈센트 그레나딘발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link독일발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link스와질랜드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link기니발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link챠드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link기니비사우발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link토고발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link적도 기니발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link트리니다드 토바고발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link가이아나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link터키발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link하이티발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link베트남발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link온두라스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link맨 섬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link홍콩발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link져지 & 건지 - 채널 섬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link모리시우스발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link도미니카발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link인도발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link패로이 섬발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link아일랜드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 헬레나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link사우디 아라비아Flower shops are closed
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link니카라과발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link뉴질랜드 (아오테라오아)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link포크랜드 군도발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link자마이카발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link세인트 마틴 (네덜란드)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link스위스 (티치노)지역 공휴일
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link사바발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link말레이시아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link건지 (채널 아일랜드)발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link레바논추도일
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link카자흐스탄발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link스웨덴발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link케냐발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link베이루트 증권거래소추도일
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link이스라엘발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link헝가리발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link이탈리아발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link불가리아Trifon Zarezan (와인 날)
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link가나발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link일본발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link그라나다발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link과테말라발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link핀란드발렌타인 데이
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금요일 14 2월, 2025link인도 (서 벵갈)타쿠르 판차난 바름의 생일
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중대한 봄 축제 - 인도 (하르야나)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 ( 대승불교) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

중대한 봄 축제 - 인도 (트리푸라)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 ( 대승불교) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

중대한 봄 축제 - 인도 (펀잡)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 ( 대승불교) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

재의 수요일 - 세인트 바데레미

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

중대한 봄 축제 - 인도 (서 벵갈)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 ( 대승불교) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

재의 수요일 - 과들루프

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

재의 수요일 - 마르띠니크

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

재의 수요일 - 구이아나

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

재의 수요일 - 쌩 마르땅

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

재의 수요일 - 케이만

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

중대한 봄 축제 - 인도 (비하르)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 ( 대승불교) : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

은행은 열려있다 - 인도 (펀잡)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

재의 수요일 - 하이티

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

휴일 - 인도네시아 (발리)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Election day

춘절 - 타이완

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday employers who require employees to work during the holiday must pay twice their normal wages. It is customary to provide employees in Taiwan with a bonus payment around Chinese New Year

춘절 - 중국 (장시 시)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 마카오

수요일 14 2월, 2024
불교 (다이아몬드 차량) : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle).

춘절 - 중국 (랴오닝)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (창사)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (후베이)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (광동)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (티베트)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (톈진)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

재의 수요일 - 영국

수요일 14 2월, 2024
문화 : The first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. According to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry, during which he endured temptation by Satan. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. [Wikipedia]

춘절 - 중국 (저장성)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

재의 수요일 - 독일

수요일 14 2월, 2024
문화 : The first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. According to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry, during which he endured temptation by Satan. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of adherents as a sign of mourning and repentance to God. [Wikipedia]

마이애미 국제 보트 쇼r - 미국 (플로리다)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
무역 박람회 : Lasts 4 days -www.miamiboatshow.com 2024 edition confirmed

총선거 - 인도네시아

수요일 14 2월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

춘절 - 중국 (장쑤 성)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (쓰촨 성)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (후난)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (심천)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (광시)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (상하이)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (푸젠)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (산둥성)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (베이징)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

춘절 - 중국 (난징)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Chinese calendar combines lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. To match the solar calendar, an extra month is added once every few years (seven years out of a 19-year cycle). Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

자그레브 스포츠 & 보트 쇼r - 크로아티아 (흐르바츠카)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
무역 박람회 : Lasts 5 days - www.zv.hr 2024 edition confirmed

휴일 - 인도네시아

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Election day

건조한 날 (술 없음) - 인도

수요일 14 2월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

재의 수요일 - 요하네스버그 증권거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 : Https://www.jamstockex.com
dates confirmed till Dec 2024

선택적 휴가 - 브라질

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : Until 14:00

뗏 (베트남 새 해) - 베트남

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture. The word is a shortened form of Tết Nguyên Đán, which is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning of the First Day . Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese variation of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Employers who require employees to work must pay three times normal wages. A customary Tet bonus is often paid to employees prior to their leaving for the lunar new year holiday. Paid holiday when falling on Sunday

정통 재의 수요일 - 케이맨 아일랜드 증권 거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

재의 수요일 - 파나마

수요일 14 2월, 2024
은행은 닫힌다 :

춘절 - 그레타이증권 시장

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

춘절 - 대만 증권거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

정통 재의 수요일 - 네덜란드

수요일 14 2월, 2024
문화 :

바산트 판차미 - 인도 (오리싸)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
힌두교 : Vasant means, the spring season . This is the great spring festival, falling on the fifth day of the month of Magh, the first day of spring. On this day everyone wears a yellow cloth. It represents the ripening of the spring crops. Even the food is coloured yellow by using saffron. Spiritually, the yellow colour is a sign of prosperity; it is the colour of love. On this day we offer special worship to the sun god, to Mother Ganga (the deity of the sacred river Ganges), and Mother Earth. They provide us the means of acquiring food and all that we need to keep alive. We express our gratitude to them by worshipping them. Hindus are ever mindful of the debt they owe to all nature. Worship of nature is extremely important to them.

선택적 휴가 - 인도 (히마찰 프라데시)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
힌두교 : Basant Panchami

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (아마 파)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Carnival

관리 사무소는 폐쇄 - 까뽀 베르데

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

뗏 (베트남 새 해) - 베트남 증권거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

관리 사무소는 폐쇄 - 티모르

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

정통 재의 수요일 - 카포 베르데 증권 거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (마라냐웅)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (에스피 리토 산토)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (성을)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (마투그로수)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

춘절 - 그레타이증권 시장

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

춘절 - 심천 증권 거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (리오 그란데) 북 해

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (알라 고 아스)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (로라 이마)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (론도니아)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (산타 카타 리나)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (세르 지페)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (토칸 틴스)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (연방 관구)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (남부 리오 그란데)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (아마존)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (페르남부쿠)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (아크레)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

선택적 휴가 - 브라질 (파라나)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday

춘절 - 상하이 증권거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

재의 수요일 - 오스트리아

수요일 14 2월, 2024
문화 :

정통 재의 수요일 - 파나마 증권거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

재의 수요일 - 자마이카

수요일 14 2월, 2024
가톨릭이나 개신교 : In Galicia, Spain, only in the city of Pontevedra. In some Caribbean islands, marks the Carnival period. Christian observance to begin the 40 day season of Lent. Ashes are marked on worshippers as a sign of penitence.

중대한 봄 축제 - 카이로 증권 거래소

수요일 14 2월, 2024
금융 기관 :

지역 공휴일 - 스페인 (갈리시아)

수요일 14 2월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Ash Wednesday in Pontevedra only

발렌타인 데이 - 레바논

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 시에라 레온

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 보네르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 필리핀

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 르완다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 벨기에

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 앤티과 바르부다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 바하마스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 바베이도스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 아제르바이잔

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 호주

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 아르헨티나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 마카오

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 벨리즈

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 말타

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 베닌

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 파푸아 뉴 기니

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 버뮤다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 체코 공화국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 벨라루스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 산 마리노

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 볼리비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 루시아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 보츠와나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 사우스 조지아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 불가리아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 레소토

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 부르키나 파소

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 리투아니아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 부룬디

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 말라위

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 카메룬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 모나코

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 캐나다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 우간다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 까뽀 베르데

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 네덜란드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 칠레

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 중앙아프리카 공화국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 중국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 영국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 콜럼비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 엘 살바도르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 콩고 (브라자빌레)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세네갈

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 콩고 (민주공화국)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 슬로바키아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 대한민국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 안도라

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 코스타 리카

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 티모르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 쿠라아오

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 사크 (채널 아일랜드)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 덴마크

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 키르기즈스탄

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 에콰도르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 라트비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 스페인

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 리히텐슈타인

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 에스토니아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 룩셈부르크

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 미국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 마다가스카르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 피지

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 말리

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 나미비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 멕시코

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 나이지리아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 모잠비크

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 앙골라

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 니제르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 프랑스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 노르웨이

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 가봉

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 파나마

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 감비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 파라과이

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 스위스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 페루

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 타이완

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 포르투갈

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 타일랜드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 도미니카 공화국

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 통가

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 루마니아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 투르크메니스탄

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 러시아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 우크라이나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 솔로몬 섬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 아이슬란드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 사모아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 케이만

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 상투메 프린시페

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 쿡 섬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세이셸

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 팔레스타인 자치정부

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 싱가포르

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 지브랄타

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 키츠 네비스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 유스타슈 (네덜라드 안틸레스)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 빈센트 그레나딘

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 독일

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 스와질랜드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 기니

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 챠드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 기니비사우

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 토고

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 적도 기니

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 트리니다드 토바고

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 가이아나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 터키

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 하이티

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 베트남

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 온두라스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 맨 섬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 홍콩

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 져지 & 건지 - 채널 섬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 모리시우스

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 도미니카

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 인도

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 패로이 섬

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 아일랜드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 헬레나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

Flower shops are closed - 사우디 아라비아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
특별 이벤트 : To enforce the prohibition of Valentine's day

발렌타인 데이 - 니카라과

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 뉴질랜드 (아오테라오아)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

발렌타인 데이 - 포크랜드 군도

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 자마이카

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 세인트 마틴 (네덜란드)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

지역 공휴일 - 스위스 (티치노)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
카톨릭 : Ash Wednesday in Bellinzona only

발렌타인 데이 - 사바

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 말레이시아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : In 2005, a National Fatwa Council issued an edict saying Valentine’s Day was forbidden in Islam because it has Christian elements that go against the teachings of Islam. But not all Muslim groups agree with this strict line.

발렌타인 데이 - 건지 (채널 아일랜드)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

추도일 - 레바논

금요일 14 2월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : In tribute to the late President Hariri

발렌타인 데이 - 카자흐스탄

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 스웨덴

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 케냐

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

추도일 - 베이루트 증권거래소

금요일 14 2월, 2025
금융 기관 :

발렌타인 데이 - 이스라엘

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 헝가리

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Bálint nap , celebrated since 1989

발렌타인 데이 - 이탈리아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

Trifon Zarezan (와인 날) - 불가리아

금요일 14 2월, 2025
문화 : In tribute to Saint Trifon, assassinated in 248 in Apemia, considered a major wine center.

발렌타인 데이 - 가나

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 일본

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February Women purchase gifts for men on February 14, and men reciprocate their love and affection on “White Day,” March 14.

발렌타인 데이 - 그라나다

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 과테말라

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

발렌타인 데이 - 핀란드

금요일 14 2월, 2025
엽서꽃 : Introduced by Pope Gelasus in 498, perhaps in response to a local Roman tradition of lovers writing their names on an urn in February

타쿠르 판차난 바름의 생일 - 인도 (서 벵갈)

금요일 14 2월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : 타쿠르 판차난과 로이 사헤브로도 알려진 라즈반시 지도자이자 쿠치 베하르의 개혁가였다. 그는 자신의 계급의 사람들에게 브라미네의 가치와 관행을 심어주는 Kshatriya Sabhá를 설립했다. [Wikipedia]