공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사
짐바브웨, 오늘은 국경일입니다. 의미 있는 시간을 보내시기 바랍니다.

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Friday, 10월 18, 2024

금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (사가 잉)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카야)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (가까운)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (라카)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (친)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (만달레이)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (양곤)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link호주 (타즈매니아)지역 공휴일
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link잠비아기도의 날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link필리핀지역 공휴일
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link라트비아빌 재즈 페스티벌r
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link스페인 (까스띠야 이 레온)바야돌리드 ( Seminci ) 축제 인터나시오날 데 시네r
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link팔레스타인 자치정부여름 또는 겨울철
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link러시아 (비로비잔)수콧
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (샨)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미국 (알라스카)알라스카의 날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link이스라엘수콧
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link인도 (서 벵갈)락쉬미와 축제 식
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (사가 잉)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link루사카 증권거래소기도의 날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (샨)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (친)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카친어)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카친어)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카 인)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카야)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (만달레이)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (카 인)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (양곤)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (가까운)석가 탄신일 끝
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link미얀마 (라카)부처님오신날 마지막날
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금요일 18 10월, 2024link스페인 (안달루시아)지역 공휴일
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부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (사가 잉)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카야)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (가까운)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (라카)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (친)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (만달레이)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (양곤)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

지역 공휴일 - 호주 (타즈매니아)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Flinders Island Show Flinders Island only

기도의 날 - 잠비아

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 :

지역 공휴일 - 필리핀

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buglasan Festival of Festivals is the landmark socio-economic-cultural showcase of the province held every October, to boost the local tourism industry and attract potential investors to Oriental Negros. Oriental Negros province only

빌 재즈 페스티벌r - 라트비아

금요일 18 10월, 2024
문화 : Lasts 4 days http://www.vilniusjazz.lt/ in Vilnius 2023 edition NOT confirmed

바야돌리드 ( Seminci ) 축제 인터나시오날 데 시네r - 스페인 (까스띠야 이 레온)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
문화 : Www.seminci.es in Valladolid 2024 edition confirmed

여름 또는 겨울철 - 팔레스타인 자치정부

금요일 18 10월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

수콧 - 러시아 (비로비잔)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
유대인 : 유월절과 Shavu'ot에 관해서는, Sukkot는 농업과 역사라는 두 가지 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 이스라엘 자손이 사막의 오두막에서 보낸 40 년을 축하합니다. 이것은 그 기간 동안 오두막에 거주하는 전통을 설명합니다.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (샨)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

알라스카의 날 - 미국 (알라스카)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : Anniversary of the formal transfer of the territory from Russia to the United States Oct. 18, 1867

수콧 - 이스라엘

금요일 18 10월, 2024
유대인 : 유월절과 Shavu'ot에 관해서는, Sukkot는 농업과 역사라는 두 가지 의미를 가지고 있습니다. 이스라엘 자손이 사막의 오두막에서 보낸 40 년을 축하합니다. 이것은 그 기간 동안 오두막에 거주하는 전통을 설명합니다.

락쉬미와 축제 식 - 인도 (서 벵갈)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
힌두교 : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (사가 잉)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

기도의 날 - 루사카 증권거래소

금요일 18 10월, 2024
금융 기관 :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (샨)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (친)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카친어)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카친어)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (카 인)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카야)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (만달레이)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (카 인)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (양곤)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

석가 탄신일 끝 - 미얀마 (가까운)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Buddhist Lent comes to an end and all those couples who had been putting off marriage now rush into each other's arms. Monks are free to travel from kyaung to kyaung or to go on pilgrimage to holy spots such as Kyaiktiyo or Mt Popa. The Festival of Lights takes place during Thadingyut to celebrate Buddha's return from a period of preaching dhamma (Buddhist philosophy) in Tavatimsa (the highest deva realm), his way lit by devas who lined the route of his descent. For the three days of the festival all of Myanmar is lit by oil lamps, fire balloons, candles and even mundane electric lamps. Tadingyut is the name of a month falling in September-October.

부처님오신날 마지막날 - 미얀마 (라카)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
불교 (소승) :

지역 공휴일 - 스페인 (안달루시아)

금요일 18 10월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : St Lucas in Jaén only