공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사
짐바브웨, 오늘은 국경일입니다. 의미 있는 시간을 보내시기 바랍니다.

다음 3개월 동안있을 전 세계 휴일 일정뿐만 아니라 행정, 은행, 증권 거래소, 학교 달력 Sunday, 3월 17, 2024

일요일 17 3월, 2024link방글라데시교주의 기념일
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link아일랜드세인트 패 트 릭의 날
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link대한민국서울 마라톤r
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link다카 증권거래소교주의 기념일r
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link구이아나Marathon de l'Espace
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link영국 (북 아일랜드)세인트 패트 릭의 날.
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link몰디브국회의원 선거일
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link러시아대통령 선거일
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link아르헨티나여름 또는 겨울철
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link아일랜드어머니의 날
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link이탈리아 (라티움)로마 마라톤r
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link미국 (캘리포니아)로스 앤젤레스 마라톤 r
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link러시아대통령 선거일
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일요일 17 3월, 2024link베네수엘라마라톤r
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link몽세라트세인트 패 트 릭의 날
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link방글라데시어린이날
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link이라크할라뱌 독가스 살포 추모일
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link미국세인트 패트릭의 날
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link캐나다세인트 패트릭의 날
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link미국 (메사추세츠)외국군 철군 기념일
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월요일 17 3월, 2025link브라질 (세르 지페)지역 공휴일
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교주의 기념일 - 방글라데시

일요일 17 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : The Aug. 15 holiday was scrapped in 2002 by the government of former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, after she won a 2001 election by defeating Mujib's daughter Sheikh Hasina, another former prime minister. Mujib was killed with most members of his family in a military coup in 1975, which began years of rule by army generals, including Khaleda's husband Ziaur Rahman, who was killed in a 1981 mutiny. Mujib formally gave the directive for a guerrilla war to gain independence from Pakistan in March 1971. He was arrested by the Pakistani army but his followers led the war to achieve independence in December 1971.

세인트 패 트 릭의 날 - 아일랜드

일요일 17 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : He was born in Britain and was captured by Celts and taken to Ireland as a slave. When fifteen, he escaped and made his way back to Britain. Later he became trained as a monk, and returned to Ireland. Mainly thanks to Patrick's influence, Ireland had an age of literacy while the rest of Europe plummeted into the Dark Ages. (shagtown.com) Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday

서울 마라톤r - 대한민국

일요일 17 3월, 2024
스포츠 : Http://seoul-marathon.com 2024 edition confirmed

교주의 기념일r - 다카 증권거래소

일요일 17 3월, 2024
금융 기관 :

Marathon de l'Espace - 구이아나

일요일 17 3월, 2024
스포츠 : in Kourou 2024 edition confirmed

세인트 패트 릭의 날. - 영국 (북 아일랜드)

일요일 17 3월, 2024
세속적 인 휴일 : He was born in Britain and was captured by Celts and taken to Ireland as a slave. When fifteen, he escaped and made his way back to Britain. Later he became trained as a monk, and returned to Ireland. Mainly thanks to Patrick's influence, Ireland had an age of literacy while the rest of Europe plummeted into the Dark Ages. (shagtown.com)

국회의원 선거일 - 몰디브

일요일 17 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

대통령 선거일 - 러시아

일요일 17 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

여름 또는 겨울철 - 아르헨티나

일요일 17 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

어머니의 날 - 아일랜드

일요일 17 3월, 2024
엽서꽃 : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation.

로마 마라톤r - 이탈리아 (라티움)

일요일 17 3월, 2024
스포츠 : Www.maratonadiroma.it/ 2024 edition confirmed

로스 앤젤레스 마라톤 r - 미국 (캘리포니아)

일요일 17 3월, 2024
스포츠 : Www.lamarathon.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

대통령 선거일 - 러시아

일요일 17 3월, 2024
특별 이벤트 :

마라톤r - 베네수엘라

일요일 17 3월, 2024
스포츠 : Http://maraton.caf.com/ 2024 edition confirmed

세인트 패 트 릭의 날 - 몽세라트

월요일 17 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : The Irish were some of Montserrat’s earliest settlers, and, on St. Patrick’s Day in 1768, the African slaves on the island planned an uprising that failed—nine slaves were hanged. St. Patrick’s has now become a ten-day festival to honor that rebellion, to celebrate the island’s history, to contend with the lasting Irish influence, and to invest in Montserrat’s future.

어린이날 - 방글라데시

월요일 17 3월, 2025
문화 :

할라뱌 독가스 살포 추모일 - 이라크

월요일 17 3월, 2025
문화 : 쿠르드 전용

세인트 패트릭의 날 - 미국

월요일 17 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

세인트 패트릭의 날 - 캐나다

월요일 17 3월, 2025
엽서꽃 :

외국군 철군 기념일 - 미국 (메사추세츠)

월요일 17 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Massachusetts; Celebrated in Boston and Suffolk County. Anniversary of the withdrawal of British troops from Boston in 1776. Only in Boston and Suffolk County. Anniversary of the withdrawal of British troops from Boston in 1776.

지역 공휴일 - 브라질 (세르 지페)

월요일 17 3월, 2025
세속적 인 휴일 : Aracaju Day Aracaju only