공휴일 및 전 세계에서 기념 행사

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    월요일 1 4월, 20241 일 만우절엽서꽃
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    수요일 10 4월, 2024라마단 마지막 날 (향후 변경 가능)엽서꽃
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    월요일 15 4월, 2024조세의 날특별 이벤트
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    일요일 21 4월, 2024세금 자유 일특별 이벤트
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    수요일 24 4월, 2024관리 전문가 하루특별 이벤트
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    월요일 29 4월, 2024유월절r엽서꽃
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    수요일 1 5월, 2024충성도 하루특별 이벤트
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    목요일 2 5월, 2024기도의 건국 기념일특별 이벤트
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    화요일 7 5월, 2024교사 감사의 날특별 이벤트
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    일요일 12 5월, 2024어머니의 날엽서꽃
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    월요일 27 5월, 2024현충일세속적 인 휴일
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    금요일 14 6월, 2024플레그 데이특별 이벤트
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    일요일 16 6월, 2024아버지 날엽서꽃
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    수요일 19 6월, 2024준틴스 국가 자유의 날은행은 닫힌다
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    목요일 4 7월, 2024독립기념일국경일
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    월요일 8 7월, 2024이슬람 설날 (향후 변경 가능)엽서꽃
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    일요일 28 7월, 2024부모의 축하엽서꽃
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    일요일 4 8월, 2024자매의 축하엽서꽃
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    월요일 2 9월, 2024노동절세속적 인 휴일
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    일요일 8 9월, 2024조부모 하루엽서꽃
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    일요일 15 9월, 2024제헌절특별 이벤트
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    화요일 17 9월, 2024시민권 주특별 이벤트
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    목요일 3 10월, 2024유대인의 새 해 r엽서꽃
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    일요일 13 10월, 2024욤 키퍼(유대교 명절)엽서꽃
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    월요일 14 10월, 2024콜럼버스의 날 또는 원주민의 날세속적 인 휴일
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    수요일 16 10월, 2024보스의 하루특별 이벤트
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    목요일 31 10월, 2024할로윈엽서꽃
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    1 일 만우절

    월요일 1 4월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : As the story goes, in 1564, France was one of the first nations to make January 1 officially New Year's Day, instead of the last week of March which was previously observed. In 1582, the Pope followed suit. Those who went on celebrating April 1st were mocked. As the zodiacal sign was the fish, The French placed dead fish on the backs of one another. Traditions vary from country to country.

    라마단 마지막 날 (향후 변경 가능)

    수요일 10 4월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful [Wikipedia]

    조세의 날

    월요일 15 4월, 2024
    특별 이벤트 : On this day, every individual has to pay his/her income tax to the federal government.

    세금 자유 일

    일요일 21 4월, 2024
    문화 : Celebrated 111 days into the new year. The day marks when a typical taxpayer has earned enough to pay for all their annual federal, state and local taxes.

    관리 전문가 하루

    수요일 24 4월, 2024
    문화 : The official period of celebration was first proclaimed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer as National Secretaries Week, which was held June 1�7 in 1952, with Wednesday, June 4, 1952 designated National Secretaries Day. In 1955, the observance date was moved to April. The name was changed to Professional Secretaries Week in 1981, and became Administrative Professionals Week in 2000 to encompass the expanding responsibilities and wide-ranging job titles of administrative support staff. (Wikipedia)


    월요일 29 4월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : Deliverance of the Jewish people from Egypt. The Seder service on the first two evenings recounts the story of the Exodus

    충성도 하루

    수요일 1 5월, 2024
    문화 : Reaffirmation of loyalty to the USA; recognition of the freedom heritage. Parades and ceremonies across the United States.

    기도의 건국 기념일

    목요일 2 5월, 2024
    문화 : The National Day of Prayer was designated by Congress in 1952 and the president usually signs a proclamation. It stems from President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln, who set the example, as did the Continental Congress in 1775.

    교사 감사의 날

    화요일 7 5월, 2024
    문화 : Teacher Appreciation Week is a week long celebration - to show appreciation for the contribution that teachers bring to education

    어머니의 날

    일요일 12 5월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : Mother’s day has evolved in many countries in different ways. This is because mother’s day has different origins in different countries and therefore occurs on different days in the year. One school of thought claims that this day emerged from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Mother worship which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of gods, and Rhea, the wife of Cronus, was held on March 15 to March 18 around Asia Minor. They insist that this custom spread around the world. Mothering Sunday is the celebration of motherhood in the United Kingdom. It is also known as Mid-lent Sunday, Rose Sunday and Laetare Sunday. It originally comes from the Victorian practice of allowing servants to return home to visit their mothers on this day. In the United States, Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet. Howe’s Battle Hymn of the Republic was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs for the Union during the American Civil War. After the war she focused her activities on the causes of Pacifism and women’s suffrage. In 1870 she was the first to proclaim Mother’s Day, with her Mother’s Day Proclamation. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson approved Mother’s Day in 1914


    월요일 27 5월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : Observed on the last Monday in May in most of the United States, in honour of the nation’s armed services personnel killed in wartime and the deceased in general. Created after the Civil War, it is traditionally marked by parades, memorial speeches

    플레그 데이

    금요일 14 6월, 2024
    문화 : Commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. The United States Army also celebrates the Army Birthday on this date; Congress adopted the American continental army after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775. |Wikipedia]

    아버지 날

    일요일 16 6월, 2024
    엽서꽃 :

    준틴스 국가 자유의 날

    수요일 19 6월, 2024
    은행은 닫힌다 : To remember and honor the freeing, in Galveston, Texas, in 1865, of the last slaves in the United States from 2019 on


    목요일 4 7월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : 미국 독립 선언(美國獨立宣言, The Declaration of Independence)은 1776년 7월 4일 당시의 영국의 식민지 상태에 있던 13개의 주가 서로 모여 필라델피아 인디펜던스 홀에서 독립을 선언한 사건을 일컬으며, 이 사건은 〈미국 독립선언문〉에 기록되어 있다. 오늘날 미국에서는 7월 4일을 독립기념일로 삼아 축제를 하고 있다. 독립 선언이 있은 후 약 8년간에 걸친 싸움 끝에 1783년 9월 3일에 비로소 미국은 영국과 프랑스로부터 이른바 〈파리 조약〉을 거쳐 완전한 독립을 인정받게 되었다.

    이슬람 설날 (향후 변경 가능)

    월요일 8 7월, 2024
    엽서꽃 :

    부모의 축하

    일요일 28 7월, 2024
    엽서꽃 :

    자매의 축하

    일요일 4 8월, 2024
    엽서꽃 :


    월요일 2 9월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : Celebrated on the first Monday in September with parades. For most Americans, it marks the end of summer holidays, and for many students the beginning of the classes.

    조부모 하루

    일요일 8 9월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : To honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer The official flower of the Grandparents Day is the forget-me-not


    일요일 15 9월, 2024
    문화 : Commemorates the declaration of the Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787

    시민권 주

    화요일 17 9월, 2024
    문화 : 2004년 이후의 축하 헌법 비준에 있습니다. 그것은 또한 가리키는 사람들이 미국 시민이 되었습니다.

    유대인의 새 해 r

    목요일 3 10월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : Jewish New Year

    욤 키퍼(유대교 명절)

    일요일 13 10월, 2024
    엽서꽃 :

    콜럼버스의 날 또는 원주민의 날

    월요일 14 10월, 2024
    세속적 인 휴일 : 10 월 12 일, 1492에는 웨스트 인디 스에 처음 상륙 한 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스의 기념일을 기념 한다. 그것은 10 월에 축 하 12 많은 미국 국가에서, 하지만 미국과 콜롬비아 10 월의 두 번째 월요일에 그것을 축 하
    또는, 많은 도시에서, 미국의 원주민을 기념 하 고 명예를 존중 하 고 그들의 공유 역사와 문화를 기념 미국, 알라바 마, 메릴랜드 주, 미주리, 일리노이 주와 오하이오 주의 네브라스카, 뉴저지, 뉴저지, 뉴욕, 뉴욕, 뉴저지에 있는 연방, 뉴저지, 펜실베니아에 있는 연방 지방에서 거주 하는 로드 아일랜드, 유타, 버지니아, 위스콘신

    보스의 하루

    수요일 16 10월, 2024
    문화 : Employees thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year


    목요일 31 10월, 2024
    엽서꽃 : Halloween originated from a Celtic festival called Samhain, which was celebrated 2,000 years ago and revolved around lighting bonfires and wearing costumes to ward off spirits and fairies— yes, Halloween began because people truly believed that it was a time when dead spirits would rise again, and walk among them. Back then, costumes acted as protection, not just an excuse to show off your Pinterest skills. Not much is known about the ancient holiday since there are no written records, though per Encyclopedia Britannica, it was a time fraught with danger, charged with fear, and full of supernatural episodes.